sunnuntai 14. huhtikuuta 2013

Spring is here!


As usual, a lot of things have been going on here.Easter passed by and soon it's time for prom.
So on this "spring break" as they call it here, Carrie and me went to the movies to see "Safe Haven". One of my favorite movies at this point.And the last weekend of spring break, I spent whith the Bergerons (my aunt family). We had a great time having mud war and I got hit in the eye so I got "mad" which wasn't fun for the guys. Later on we rode 4wheelers. The next day we went fishing on a lake that origins from the Mississippi river. It was pretty awesome and I caught the only fish. A catfish. Later we went to church and since I was there the first time, I got colorful, caramel popcorn. Amazing isn't it! The next morning the whole family (including all the sisters and a few more people's families) gathered at grandpa's house. We ate crawfish and made a harlem shake video.And me and Tyler made some "Runebergin torttuja".  So that was my spring breaks highlights (I know I forgot something though).

The very next weekend Lillie,Canaan, Canaan's friend, her daughter and me went shopping for my prom dress. It's light purple and pretty. After that we went to the movies to see Jurassic Park in 3D! I love that movie! The older movies are sometimes just so much better than the new ones. It made me feel so old!
The next day Carrie, Lillie and me watched Les Miserables. They didn't like it too much but I did.
And finally this weekend I went to a woman's conference / retreat. It was awesome! We got some pretty good answer's for some questions. You know how people wonder why God allows war, slavery, hunger and things like that in the world. Well, God could take it from the world just like that if he wanted to.
The thing is that he wants to use us to do it instead. He knows what we are capable of and if we do it with God, then it's possible. So basically he does it, but he does it through us.
I also got a facial and heels for prom. And now I think I have a cold. Great!
Only 6 weeks of school left! Awesome feeling!
Take care people! :)

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