lauantai 17. marraskuuta 2012

Before, Thanks giving, after!

Hey everybody! Things are going good here as always.
So last weekend I was on a birthday party for an 8 year old boy! There were kids everywhere and it was crazy and we had a bonfire. I finally got to meet my "host cousin"s again! I love them all! And one of the German exchange students were also there.
We played soccer with the kids and then slept in a huge tent. So it was Carrie, 9 boys in the age of 6-10 and me! Haha!
The next day we went camping to my host mums sisters woods..or property..anyways..there was 4 families I think and we had so much fun! We drove the four-wheelers in the middle of the night and walked in the woods. Then we had a bonfire and some of us talked about the bible and aliens..(don't even ask).
So yea, it was pretty awesome!
Okay so here's the thing. Because I'm an exchange student, I have to do 5h community service. First I was a bit upset but not anymore. On Wednesday and Thursday I didn't have to go to school because I did community service. And it was fun. I slept over at my Slovakian friend (also an exchange student) and we made a speach about how it is to be an exchange student and the whole process before it and the differences in the countries, stuff like that. Then we just watched "how I met your mother" on Karin's I-pad. The next morning we had our speaches in LSUE ( a college) and then we ate breakfast in Burger King and went "mini shopping"! On Thursday we did the same thing but afterwards we did this challenge where you had to look for things on the school area and take a picture of it. It was super fun! Then we ate "budain"!
The sad thing was that when I came home on both days, I did home work for hours! Not fun! At least we had church Wednesday! It was the last for this year. This time we got to talk instead of the pastor :)

Yesterday (Friday) I was babysitting Gams  and her friends kids. Awesome kids! I watched Eclipse also...then Carrie came and we played this game on the TV that doesn't have any "controls"! It was super fun! When the parents came home we went to "my house". It was 2 o'clock in the morning but then we started to plan a trip to Finland! So we went to bed at 4 am.
Today I had dancing in the morning and I finally had my tap shoes! Expensive stuff! (a bit mad...). I am not a good tap dancer compared to the other girls who has danced it for I feel pretty lost there. But it's fun! I feel like I should go learn the basics with the kids sometimes though haha..

That's what been happening... now what's coming up?

Today I'm sleeping over at Karins house after a birthday party (6 year old boy I think). We're going skating with skates that has wheels you know! Tomorrow I'm going to church! It's thanksgiving week so I don't have school for a week now! I'm going to Arkansas with Carrie ! I'm so exited! And after thanks giving Charlotte and I are going to New Orleans! Buja!

Oh and before I forget! If you didn't know, Obama is the U.S president again for the next 4 years..or maybe more if he changes the law about that. Just saying that I have a completely different opinion about him now,than before I came here. Ask me if you want to know why.

And this girl is staying here for the whole June! So guys you have to wait for me a few weeks longer now. Oh well! I love it over here and I don't want to leave!  Miss ya'll Finnish people! And i miss "ruisleipa" haha!

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