maanantai 22. lokakuuta 2012

Homecoming weekend

Hello my dear friends! weekend was awesome! And I am tired.
On Friday I was shopping with Carrie and Gam and then we ate at a place called something with buffalo..and wings.. it was so good but so messy! Love it! I eat without a knife and a fork pretty often here and I would never have thought that would have happened.
So after that messy meal we went to the movies to see Pitch Perfect! I laughed so hard! I recomend it for everybody!
The next day I went dancing and I hate that I have hip hop only for 1 h in like 2 weeks! But I do it to the fullest when I have it yey! then unimportant stuff happened and then I suddenly was at Paytons house! We fixed us for the homecoming dance and then ate Mexican food! Yummy!  I was so exited for the dance at school but when I was there I was a little disapointed. I had fun but the music wasn't so good and I didn't like the way they danced. So I was a bit confused and like ummmm...okay... sorry guys, I'm not doing that but I hope you have fun! :D And so I danced my own way and walked around saying hi to people I knew. The funnest part of the day though was when I slept over at Payton and we were kind of tired. Things in the kitchen flew around and we couldn't stop dancing. We cooked food at 1 in the morning and when we finally tried to sleep my dear friend just couldn't shut up! Payton you're awesome! :D

On Sunday after we finally woke up and danced a bit more, we went to the mall. So I finally got a lot of clothes and jewelery! And then nothing super important happened!
Today I had my ballet class and we only stretched and did muscle now I'm pretty stiff and I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

Okay enough for today. Love you guys and I really don't miss the coldness of Finland when I sit in the heat of Louisiana! Haha! But I still miss you so don't worry!

torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012

It's homecoming week guys!

Hello everybody!
You know how computers sometimes just "die"..,well this computer died for two weeks.
Anyways! This week my school (Beau Chene High School) had the homecoming week!
We dressed up differently every day. We had pyjama day, camo day, decade day, wacky tacky day and tomorrow's spirit day!  This week has been fun! This saturday we have our homecoming dance at school and I'm really exited!
Tomorrow me and my friends are going to the mall and to the movies. It's going to be awesome!!
I'm now teaching hip hop to younger classes with my dance teacher. It's fun and I learn new things even though it's really easy.

I just have to say this one thing about the church I go to. It's amazing! I love it! Every time I go there I learn something new and I get those "aha" experiances. My favorite song we sing there starts with the words "Take the world, but give me Jesus". I don't think I have to explane what it means. Ask me if you don't understand. 

Last night I woke up in this loud thunder and in lightnings! It was crazy! I could feel the house shaking! And I see lightnings very often here! It's cool and I love it! :D And they also have a lot of dead animals on the roads so last night we drove over a dead dog! We freaked out! It was creepy!

I'll try to get some pictures for you soon! Miss ya'll so much!