maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2013

Hey y'all!
My last month in Louisiana just started. I'm so excited to go back home, but also sad to leave all these amazing people behind.

A week ago I went to this thing called "Experience Week". It was basically 3 days of experiencing Masters Commission. Masters Commission is kind of a discipleship school ish..
So we got to experience their life there.
We lived in the student apartments with a first year student as our leader.
Every morning we had an hour of prayer and then a session. So someone always preached / thought us something. We also did ministry. Some people gave food to homeless people. Some spent time with kids, reading story's, playing, praying and stuff. Some helped in pregnancy centers (or what ever you might want to call them). And there was a lot of other things to do.
Well I was a part of the "Exchange team". So basically we did youth ministry. And I went out of my comfort zone and had to do a part of the sermon. It was pretty cool and fun.

We also played volleyball and just chilled and did crazy stuff. What I love the most about XMC is that everybody's so weird and crazy and you can be your self without anyone judging you. They have the most amazing people there. I'm seriously considering to go there after I graduate High School in Finland. I just hope my parents let me go. I want to go there and bring a little peace of what they have, to Finland.
They are so welcoming and good hearted.  I'm going to miss them so much, but I'll be back!

This is my room mates! Double 0 4 swag! lol

My name tag!

At one of the sessions! Best worship band ever on stage! :)

So yea. Keep Calm & Love Jesus. XMC rocks!