lauantai 11. toukokuuta 2013

NYC & Boston - Best week of my life

Hey y'all! Yo! Hello guys!

So, last week I spent in NYC and Boston, on a trip for exchange students.
To keep my brain in control I'm telling only the main things about the week, since we did a lot and were busy!

Day 1
I woke up at 3 in the morning for my flight and I was excited but nervous. I hate flying by my self.
I was lucky to have 2 Thai girls with me though, whom I met on the airport in Houston.
When we came to New York, we met more exchange students and I was like " OMG THIS IS SO COOL, WIIII :D"  We got to our hotel (in New Jersey) and the leaders showed us where the mall was. And you can probably guess what I did at the mall...and we ate "cajun" and chinese food.
Later when we got back to the hotel, I met a Finnish girl and I was so excited! I love her! :D
Then we ate and introduced ourselves and went back to the mall and then to bed.

Day 2
We woke up at like 7ish am and took the bus to NYC!
We took a boat thing to see the statue of liberty and then went to see the bull. That day we also saw the place where the twin towers used to be and the church by it. We saw wall street and the museum where the movie "night at the museum" was filmed. Then we went to China Town and Little Italy and got Chinese food. It was pretty good! Then some people got lost so we didn't have time to go to central park! Bohoo!
But it's okay, we saw it another day! :D Then we went to eat and then back to the hotel.

Day 3
Okay! This was one of my favorite days, when it comes to tourist things!
We went to the Empire State Building! Buujaaa! It was amazing! The views were so unreal! I could have stayed there forever. Anyway, so after that we walked to Madison Square Garden and then to Starbucks! By the way.. did you know they have 177 Starbuckse's only in Manhattan! Crazy! So after that we walked in to the worlds biggest store, MACY'S! It was enormous, but expensive! Then we saw the train station, whatever it's called again..(sorry my name memory is bad).
Then we went to a little mall kind of thing to eat lunch, shop and have fun. After that we went to Times Square! It was beautiful and so amazing! It was so much better than I could have ever imagined! After that we went back to the hotel.

Day 4
This was our last day in NYC! So sad! We went to this candy shop that basically had everything you could imagine, but as usual, it was expensive.Oh well! Later on we went to 5th avenue! A bunch of expensive brands and fancy stuff. We just walked in there and felt lost because we weren't so fancy dressed! The cool thing about 5th avenue though, was that we went to the Trump Tower and saw Donald Trump. We just walked down the stairs and bebeeem! There he was! I guess we're just lucky! Then we felt like eating something so we got some fruits. Then we went to Times Square again to shop and take some more pictures. After that we saw a play on Broadway! The Phantom of the opera! Just one of my favorite musicals ever! No big deal! I wasn't at all excited! i was only crying  a little.
Dude I LOVED it! It was beautiful! After that...byebye NYC! I love the city and I'm moving there one day!

Day 5
This was the day we rode the bus to Boston. It was sad to leave NY, but at least I had my new friends with me! We watched Pitch Perfect and after that all we sang was "sumsumsumsumsumsum...SINCE YOU"VE BEEN GOOOONE!!!!" Then we ate at a food court and shopped. They even had a One Direction store...
So we got to the hotel and I then went bowling and playing games and we ate. Then we got back to the hotel.

Day 6
The last whole day of the trip!
We saw Harward and shopped! We went to this store with international stuff and I found Finnish chocolate! Then we walked the freedom trail.
Later we went to the place where the Boston bombing took place and we made a card for one of the victims who was an exchange student. So we saw the memorial for it. It was so sad and it made me so angry!
That day we also saw the place with the Boston tea party and the narrowest hose in the world...(random fact).  Later we went to the Boston Hard Rock Cafe! They had the best music and best waitresses ever!
Loved it! :D
Then we went back to the hotel and we went play games again :D


Day 7
I had to wake up so early again and it was hard! but the hardest part was to leave my friends.
I made like 50 ish new friends in a week! And I love them to death! I miss them so much you have no idea!
Then i flew home and everything was so weird!

So yeah, that was the best week of my life! the people I met there,  we all have something special. Our friendship is so weird but awesome! I love them all like family and it's just mind blowing! I miss y'all! <3
I don't care I love it ;p